About Olympic Lifting
This class focuses primarily on instructing and improving technical execution of the snatch, clean & jerk and related lifts. Here you will be coached by USAW certified instructors on the specifics of the Olympic weightlifting movements. If you have a passion for weightlifting this is the program for you. This is a focus driven program specifically targeting the Olympic lifts.
Take your training to the next level with our new Olympic Lifting class. A specialty designed program focusing on mobility, posture, technique and achieving a solid foundation for the Olympic Lifts, the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Whether you’re a competitive lifter or trying to improve your lifting so that you can sail through workouts faster and safer, then this class is definitely the one to do.
These classes are technique based not a workout so are perfect to fit in around your daily sessions. It’s limited numbers to maintain a higher quality of supervision and one on one time, they will fill up fast.
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Olympic Lifting Weekly Session Times
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So if you find yourselves being constantly yelled at by our instructors to get your hips down or keep your back straight…this is the class for you!